Title: Rain Pairing: Taeyeon/Jessica Genre: Fluffy fluff Author: robin_20 Dedicated to: This was also a part of 9celcius ' gift. Author Note: Thanks to my lovely Beta Rhys (: Enjoy people. ( It's raining. )
Why thank you a lot (: And yes Jessica is secretly a huge romantic sap, she's just afraid to admit it. Thank you for loving my fics and also thank you for commenting!
Gaaahhhh tht was so sweet!!! Adding the other members were funny and made it seem real. You're an awesome writer for being able to do it. Good job!!! :)
Comments 24
This oneshot was such a sweet one~
and it was raining a bit while I was reading it~
Hope to read more fanfics from you~
It was raining? Well it must be fate.
Looking forward to more of your comments~
i loved the last sentence the most xD thank you for sharing!
Thanks for reading and commenting, glad you liked it
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And yes Jessica is secretly a huge romantic sap, she's just afraid to admit it.
Thank you for loving my fics and also thank you for commenting!
Adding the other members were funny and made it seem real. You're an awesome writer for being able to do it. Good job!!! :)
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