Quick, have a drive-by fanfic tossing! <3
Title: Throw Away the Key
Rating: R
Pairing: Hikaru x Kaoru x Tamaki
Summary: [Originally written for Ouran Kink!Meme] The twins have handcuffs, and it's either a really good day or a really bad day to be Tamaki.
Throw Away the Key )
Comments 3
Where to start. I'll start where you did.
The first fic was...Oh god, how do I put it...Amazing IC while at the same time incrediably hot and minorly erotic. Man, I totally wouldn't mind playing Cops 'n Robbers with the twins. Ever. Or with Tamaki. Ehehehehe....This was nosebleed enducing and I absofriggin-loutly loved it! I might have to read it several times over--something I don't do often, and only for fics I really like! GRAH! You're so awesome!
Second fic.
Ohhhhhhhh! It's so true! Your characterization of the twins made me clutch my heart! Especially this line: "Everyone but Kaoru, who left the same single egg once and has vowed never to make that mistake again."
Ah, it was just...My god. Awesome. I also like the way you ended it, bring back the tea and cakes and it was just...I...you know...love...pure...Tamaki!...Twins... BFFs!! ...SOO SWEET! (you've reduced me to broken sentences! ^^ It's a good thing!)
God, who wouldn't want to play Cops and Robbers with the twins? X3 Tono is just a delicious jailbait bonus, LOL.
Thank you so much for reading and liking them! <3 I WAS THRILLED.
Guhhh...*fans self* So hot! This is the first Twins/Tamaki fic I've read, and I definitely wasn't disappointed :]
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