I've been seeing these since my first Christmas on LJ, but haven't done one myself. I thought I'd give it a try. I've certainly had fun with other people's list. Apparently, it was started about six years ago by someone named
tartanshell . Her guidelines and my list (Updated to be slightly less Clex-centric) are below.
Guidelines )
Holy moley! I just...I melted when Clark cupped Lex's check and when Lex takes Clark's hand and brushes snow off of him. So beautiful. What a lovely Christmas gift. Thank you so very much.
*tacklehugs you*
It does not quite fit your prompt, but I figured you wouldn't mind overly much.
This had Clex and a hopeful ending, that's more than enough for me. There aren't nearly enough of us writing Clex anymore. It's getting very sparse.
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