Time for claiming some of
these juicy, exciting prompts. But first,
a post with the rules, modly requests, and all that good stuff.
1. Reply in a comment with the prompt (and the username of the person who submitted it) you wish to claim. Claims are granted on a first come, first served basis. We'll try to note which prompts are claimed on a timely basis, but we're human. Check the comments to be sure that the one you're thinking of taking hasn't already been claimed by someone else.
2. There is no limit to the number of prompts each participant may claim, but please be realistic about what you will be able to accomplish within the time frame of this fest.
3. For fiction (other than poetry), we request that the entry be a minimum of 500 words.
4. Submissions are due on 27March07 so that posting can begin promptly on 1st April. Please email them to twin.inspiration@gmail.com as Word, txt or rtf files (for fic), or as a JPG (art).
5. While we're on the subject of Word files… please check your html tags. If you have italic, bold or underlined text (or horizontal lines or centered text, etc.) in your story, you must use tags. Also, please turn off smart quotes!
5. In your file, please include a header with the following information:
6. We realize this fest will be complete in a relatively short time, and we don't want to overload you with requirements, but we kindly request that you please have your submission beta-read.
7. As a reminder, you do NOT have to be a member of Twinspiration to participate, but all explicit materials will be friends-locked.
8. By making a claim, you are agreeing to allow your work to be placed in the memories of the community. Once you've completed your claim, post it only in the Twinspiration community until 30April2007. You can post links to it elsewhere, but the actual story/artwork can only be archived here until 30April. You may post anywhere you please as of 1May2007.
9. Collaborations are good, if you want to share a prompt and agree to do so before claiming.
10. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (email on userinfo page, or at email above).