Name: Enno, or Earin
Contact: ZerstoererWolfP1 (AIM)
Character's Name: Lloyd Irving
Character's Age: 17
Character's Class: Dual Swordsman
3 Events That Affected the Character:
•1- Luin: City of Ruin(After the Asgard Human Ranch): The entire group learned the horrible truth. Genis was affected as he'd been close to the person his Exsphere was made from, but Lloyd had a harder time as his mom had carried his. On his first impulse to throw it away, he later discovered he was glad he listened to the warnings about how foolish it would be. This was the very foundation of his true quest to change the world. He would fight for his mom and all the other victims of the Exspheres to break the cycle of their formation. It is important as it helped shape some of his views of the world and told him some about the truth of his parents(Via a carelessly dropped line from Kvar).
•2- Tower of Salvation(First Trip): This really socked Lloyd hard. He learned(albeit by going over events with his friends later) that the Journey of Regeneration wasn't quite what he believed it was. His convictions shaken and quite possibly shattered, he struggled to pull things together so they might learn the truth. Coupled with watching Colette lose her heart and soul, and almost lose her completely, he was left licking his wounded pride and heart for quite a while. This is important because it showed Lloyd that what appears to be the correct path isn't always, and he shouldn't ever blindly follow another's word.
•3- Flanoir(The Doctor Event): Well, to quote what a friend said, "Yeah, Colette's important to him. Here's one of many scenes that shows it. In case, you know, most of the game didn't show it enough." It's a really touching moment that showcases their feelings, and helps Lloyd put together his perspective on how to deal with his father, as well as his conviction on stopping Yggdrasill's vision from happening. Plus he got a special charm out of it too. Charms rock.
Pulled From: Lloyd comes from when he was having a deep moment of sweetness with Colette; he named their new Karlan Tree they worked so hard to make.
Well, let me start of by saying Lloyd is an idiot. No, he's not that kind of idiot that will stick his hand in an open fire(He leaves that kind of tardness to certain long-haired replicas from a certain game...). Lloyd fails tremendously at studying. It's the dullest thing in the world, paint drying would be like watching the best rock concert in the world, or the Olympics in comparison. The fact he had super smart half-elves breaking down his lessons for him didn't help. He's actually quite clever and observant, and uses his ability to put things together logically to make up for the fact he doesn't know a lot. Ask him something specific though and he'll either balk or give you an eloquent "buh?" for his answer.
He's just a little rash, a little reckless, with a dash of innocent charm and a hearty helping of honesty. Do him or his friends wrong and he'll break out the Dwarven Vows on you(Just...not #7). He sees the good in people, but also acknowledges that there is plenty of bad. Don't expect Lloyd to give tons of thought to a person's motivations to start out with, taking a cue from what happened with Sheena, he didn't hesitate to think of her as an obstacle until they stopped and talked. So, while there are some grays floating in his view of life, you're likely either going to be polarized black or white.
He also detests oppression, having grown up around it all his life, so if you're condescending to someone because you're just a damn racist(I'm looking at you, Walter), expect to have it blow up in your face by way of an un-needed fight. Now, going over strengths/weaknesses/morals; Lloyd is trusting(read: gullible). Lie well enough and he'll believe you until you betray him, because he doesn't judge others based on their race. He did this at one time until he saw how it hurt some of those close to him, and therefore opened himself to being more accepting. His weakness is...He doesn't think things through. When he comes up with a super awesome fabulous master plan; that's usually done at the moment, right then. It usually works out, but in hindsight he will say it doesn't always work out.
Future Plans:
Well, being Lloyd, and acknowledging stuff happened with the point I'm taking him from; he's still an idealist. He might laze around a bit to see what's going on with this world and why he's there, then probably hook up with Ad Libitum. Which branch? Not Ouin. Other than that, hard to say.
Roleplay Sample:
Lloyd blinked, again. Now, the first time he'd done it, he'd stood there with Colette and had witnessed the birth of Martel. She then asked for his pact, naming the new Karlan Tree. Having bequeathed it with the name of someone they had come to cherish and lost when their paths had lead to very different outcomes, he found himself staring at this new tree.
He hadn't sensed time pass. Looking around, Lloyd turned the situation he found himself in around in his head. He wasn't smart enough to figure this out. He didn't have the knowledge, however, the young man was observant enough to recognize that this wasn't where the Tower of Salvation had once stood. So that eliminated the tree as Yggdrasil. Okay, that was one point for the swordsman. Now the question of where was he? The very immediate land was foreign. This again brought him to the rather...Lackluster start he'd given. "Wow. You got big. Fast."
At least he was getting better about the fail. These things do take time after all.