like sparks of gold, silver smiles and pages of happy memories.

Dec 14, 2007 10:26

(Ninja post from a local library!)

FLIST YOU ARE AMAZING. Thank you for all those lovely comments on the memes. You totally made my day. ILU ALL. <33333

PROMPT MEIt's Christmasfic time! I suspect I might have quite a lot of free time, since there is no Internet, so I will write drabbley-ficlet-things for flist as some sort of Christmas gifts, I ( Read more... )

ilu all, rl, news! and i mean the boyband, parents, public

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Comments 18

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twirlingleaves December 15 2007, 11:32:59 UTC
That is a good prompt! It may turn out pretty angsty. :/// (Also, forgot to mention this, but your new layout is very pretty. <3 Wintry and Christmasy, I suppose? :D)

You don't have to write anything for me, 'cause you owe other people fic and you're grounded and you need to study and all that shiz, but. Um. Here's a prompt just in case? :D

Hayato/Ryu; hearts bruised black&blue

Haha, if I phoned you my mum wouldn't be amused by the charges either. (Also I may be even more spastic on the phone than you are.) But thank you for caring. Ilu, Trang. *hugs* <3


inevitabilityy December 14 2007, 02:53:34 UTC
SHIGE/UEDA; no one really knows who Shige and Ueda are, but they know each other.

WHAT. :| :|

I'm sorry. :( Divorce can really be a bitch. Just don't be hung up on it and remember that there are people here for you. I hope you feel better and if you ever need someone to talk to, you've got me! :D♥


inevitabilityy December 14 2007, 02:54:25 UTC


letseaticecream December 14 2007, 03:03:55 UTC
<3 you deserve the love :D

OMG.RYO<3 has got to be my fave K8/NewS member ~

(*hugs* im really sorry you have to be put through all that but argh. i srsly don't know what to say because i've never been in that situation and i won't even try to understand it because i doubt i can. But you've been so strong and i hope you pull through this ordeal.)


brighty11 December 14 2007, 03:25:54 UTC
*snugs* I hate moving~ and divorce makes it so much harder. Keep on fighting ^^


lokogato December 14 2007, 03:47:14 UTC
Imouto~ ♥

I won't ask for anything, so unless you are Struck With Inspiration!!!!!! (with that many exclamation points!) you don't have to think of something for me. 8D

Also please receive eight million hugs from nee-san. You are crazyawesome and strong and dealing with all of this really well, so just keep hanging in there and stay awesome, which shouldn't be hard for you. ♥

In other news, if you have an address you wouldn't mind giving me so I could send a card, I will send a card + candy + some sketches? :D


twirlingleaves December 15 2007, 06:01:31 UTC
PATHY-NEE. ♥ I sent you my address, did you get the e-mail? :D


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