I'm afraid I've dropped the ball a bit on this one as the news is a week old, BUT:
The Orphan Works Act of 2008 has been officially presented to the House and the Senate. You can read the full text of the bill online in PDF format.
H.R. 5889 The Orphan Works Act of 2008S 2913 The Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008 - The Illustrators' Partnership of America debunks the '
Six Misconceptions About Orphan Works' article that had been the moderating voice of reason (thanks a lot)
here, with a very informative Q&A article.
- The effects of this legislation on artists are outlined regarding the
House bill and the
Senate bill.
- You can track the progress of both bills through the
House and
Senate. They've been introduced but not debated yet so you still have time to
write to your representatives. Americans, even if you aren't affected by this enough to bother to write on your own, then write on behalf of the artists around the world whose work is made vulnerable by this legislation and who don't have a direct line to the U.S. Government.
Please, please spread the word, we need this to catch fire like it did when the AWN article was published a month ago, now that something can actually be done about it. If you're on DeviantArt, spread the news there, and any other artistic community you happen to be a part of or have access to.
If you're wondering what all this is about, see
this post.