Title: The Wolf and the Vampire
Couple: Jacob/Edward, pre-Leah/Alice and pre-Seth/Jasper
Prompt: 11 to 15
Word Count: 100 each
The Wolf and The Vampire 01-05 The Wolf and The Vampire 06-1011-Word
He could hear the words but couldn’t understand them. All he wanted was his Jacob. He wanted his mate to tell him that they couldn’t live without the other, that they would be together forever, and that he will do anything for him. And the opposite was true. Edward would do anything for his Jacob. Jacob was his sun, warm, bright, kind. But he was also dangerous and the beast inside Edward liked that. Suddenly, the cold was replaced by the warmth and Edward could have been crying in joy, knowing that his mate was holding him, speaking to him.
She was angry. She was always angry these days. None of her classmate would spoke to her. She was becoming the bitch of Forks. Her father wasn’t any help. You would think since she was his only child, he would be a little more concerned. He was stupid, telling her that you can’t control love and that if Edward and Jacob were happy together, she had to be happy for them. Happy for them, not even in dreams! Edward was hers; she had been born to be a vampire, beautiful, strong, immortal. Fury clouded her eyes, her car hit something.
The boys recovered from their heartbreak quickly once they got together. They were currently looking at the ocean, well supposedly.
“I can’t believe that I actually believed that you were going to marry Bella.”
“It’s over my love, we are together and I don’t plan to let you go.” Edward kissed Jacob neck and the shifter moaned.
“I blame your vampireness for always wanting to kiss my neck.”
“Love, this spot makes you always squirm.”
“Not fair.” Jacob returned the favour by nibbling on Edward’s ear. Who would have thought that vampires had erogenous zone? Ocean tasted great on Edward.
She didn’t know what was happening to her. One day, she was a normal girl. Well, a normal girl who transformed in a giant wolf and killed Vampires and run with a bunch of guys who didn’t know what ‘leave me alone or I rip your balls’ mean. She was too kind. Next time, she would castrate Paul. Screw Rachel. And now, she thought about what to wear and she actually really did her hair. With hairspray. She didn’t use hairspray since the prom. And for who? This pixie-like, dark haired, too happy for her sake’s vampire. She was doomed.
Everything in him reminded him the sun. Warm but deadly too. He just couldn’t have enough of him. He would give everything for just touching this skin, and licking it ad nauseam. But he couldn’t. Even if his smell reminded him the South, a mix of sand and sun. It was the reason why he was here. Well, mostly. Sometimes, he could see his dark eyes, with a glint of je-ne-sais-quoi. He wanted that what he saw was lust or better, love, but he knew this was just a wish. He came up to him. Seth’s warmth was named Jasper.