Title: Shifting Colours, part 7
celticlongingRating: pg-13
Warnings: Fifty Shades canon
Word Count: 1,119
gehayi and
ketmakura's sporking of Fifty Shades Darker
Summary: Robert hears about Leila.
Robert smiled; he respected Jason Taylor even more now. “Do you want the short version or the long?” he asked.
“The short,” was the reply. “We should go back to Graceland before Grey gets suspicious.”
“In that case, I’ll tell you while you drive - what’s wrong?”
Without warning, Jason had sat upright and was staring out of the windscreen. His shoulders were tense and his colours showed a mixture of surprise and concern. After a moment, he sat back.
“Nothing. I’m sorry - I thought I saw someone I knew.”
Robert could tell the other man was still very worried and unsettled when he started driving.
During his work with the Agency, he would sometimes find himself talking to or dealing with people who didn’t know about Gifts. He had to think very carefully when handling them. Of course, Jason might very well be aware of Gifted people but Robert had no way of telling.
“I work for an organization that has concerns about Grey. I know that he bought SIP because one of my colleagues heard it from Officer Rayne from the Seattle Police.”
Jason’s colours didn’t even flicker. “The Seattle Police?”
“They’re after him for fraud, identity theft, blackmail and other things. They might include the things you just told me about, but they don’t have enough proof yet. If Grey is arrested, I don’t know what’ll happen to his employees. If he’s the only thing insuring Sophie’s treatment continues…” Robert trailed off, uncertain what to say.
Jason drove in silence for a moment. Robert kept a close eye on the other man’s colours; eventually they settled into a pale blue, making Robert relax slightly.
“OK. First of all, I’m not stupid. I’ve known something like this was going to happen for a very long time, and I’ve been making arrangements. Grey may be a bastard, but he does pay well and I’ve been putting aside a lot of money for Sophie.” Jason didn’t take his eyes off the road as he drove. “Grey is a monster. He’s done horrible things to women, and that has to stop. I’d think that even if I hadn’t seen what he’s done to Leila…”
Robert’s phone rang; glancing at the screen, he saw it was Michael’s number. “Mind if I take this?” he asked apologetically.
“Not at all.”
Michael didn’t even wait for his father to being speaking. “Dad, what is going on? Why the hell has Uncle Jay got me on lockdown?”
“Michael - ”
“He won’t let me leave the house! I’m not a little kid that needs watching all the time!”
“Don’t take that tone with me!” Robert snapped. He mouthed ‘sorry’ at Jason. “Let me get a few things straight with you. You’re not a little kid, but you are a kid and while you’re staying with your uncle, you will do exactly as he says. If he says you’re not to leave the house, you don’t leave the house. If I find out that you have, or that you’ve given him a hard time, you and I will have words when I get back. Do you understand me?”
He heard Michael huff on the other end. “Do you understand me?” he repeated.
“Yes, Dad. Sorry.”
“Your uncle ‘has you on lockdown’ for your own safety. That’s all you need to know. I’ll see you when we get home. All right?”
“All right, Dad. Bye.” Michael hung up. Robert smiled and put his phone back in his jacket pocket.
“You were mentioning someone called Leila?”
Jason nodded; his colours immediately turned to a miserable dark blue tinged very faintly with red anger. “Leila Williams; she’s one of Grey’s ex-subs. She was different from the other girls - she realized what he was really like and fought back. She came across some pictures of herself and other subs in…certain positions.”
“He has photos of his ex-subs as blackmail material?” Just when I thought Grey couldn’t be any more disgusting…
“Yeah. I don’t know what Grey did to her, but he…he broke her. Then he had Leila institutionalized, and blackmailed her husband Nate into keeping away from her. Nate came to see me privately and begged - begged - me to help him find her. He was distraught. I knew where Grey had Leila, so I told Nate and he asked a friend to help break her out.” Jason sighed unhappily; misery and regret were etched on his face. “There was an accident; Nate’s friend was killed and Leila is still out there. I’ve been keeping an eye out for her, because she’s definitely been following Grey and Ana. She’s also managed to get her hands on a gun.”
“How?” Robert asked. “She shouldn’t have been able to do that.”
“I know. She broke out of hospital after a recent suicide attempt; she’s got to be found for her own safety. She probably wants to take Grey out and I don’t blame her in the least, but if she does she will go down for murder and she doesn’t deserve that.”
Kevin found his brother in the living room, looking at the volumes on the bookshelf. Toby was so absorbed that he didn’t hear Kevin silently approaching him from behind.
Kevin lightly tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey.”
Toby jumped and turned around; when he saw it was his brother, he glared at him in annoyance. “Don’t do that,” he said.
“Not my fault you can’t hear someone coming up behind you.”
A low chuckle made both brothers look at the doorway. Elliot lounged against the doorframe, a grin on his face. “Do you guys want a Red Bull?” he asked, holding up a pack of six cans.
“Thanks!” Kevin and Toby sat down on the sofa and cracked open the cans Elliot passed them. Elliot himself flopped down onto a chair, opened a can and took a large gulp.
“So, you’ve got a younger brother?” he asked. “How old is he?”
“He’s seventeen,” Toby replied curtly.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s he like?”
“Oh, he’s a brat,” Kevin said matter-of-factly.
“A complete brat.” Kevin drank from his Red Bull can.
“Yeah, but he’s our brat,” Toby heard himself murmuring.
Elliot grinned and nodded. “Know exactly what you mean. Mia can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but...” He paused and glanced towards the door. “Sorry - Mom’s not too keen on swearing. As I was saying, sometimes I want to strange Mia but she’s still my little sister.”
“And Christian?” Kevin asked jokingly.
It was as if a door had suddenly been slammed shut. Elliot’s demeanour changed completely; his face closed down and his eyes became almost wary.
“We’re not close,” he said after a moment.
To be continued...