I want this book to be good. I don't want to offend anyone and I'm trying so hard to get it all right, but the line between fantasy and reality just had a brimming cup of reality check tip over on it.
I don't know how much real world there is in this book anymore. I love the Russian names, I love the overly-curious, clumsy seamstress, and her
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Comments 3
I have a dear friend in Portland, a native of the USSR. Talk nice to me and I'll give you her email address, so you can talk nice to her.
Before anybody asks, I met my friend in a class he taught at the university on Russian history from the founding of Russia through the fall of the Soviet Union.
That's why most of my stories take place in Nonexistent Europesan Countries In Some Parallel World Or Other. Also, I'm lazy.
I appreciate your concerns. Seriously. So many people out there wouldn't care at all. Research? What research? We know everything about Russia! (Insert loooooong list of stereotypes here.)
I can't offer any serious help, I'm afraid. Not my time period. I might consult you on naming conventions, though, if you decide to keep your story in AU-Russia after all.
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