Title: Of Wolf and Man
sophiapCrossover: Teen Wolf/Supernatural
Wordcount: ~23k
Characters/Pairing(s): Dean, Sam, Stilinski, Stiles, Deaton, Derek, John. Gen (mentions of past het)
Warnings: Show-level violence, language
Spoilers: SPN season 8 (minor); TW post season 2
Summary: After receiving a call from an old family friend, the Winchesters find themselves in Beacon Hills, CA, finishing a case they started in their teens, back when the creature of the week was hunting a young deputy named Stilinski and his pregnant wife. Now, the monster is back, and the hunters are needed, but there's more than one threat in this small town, and the guys are starting to think Deaton called them in for an entirely different reason, one involving a few secrets John Winchester kept past the grave. Gen. SPN season 8; TW post season 2.
Author's Notes: Written for
sncross-bigbang. I'm taking some creative liberties with this story, which is likely going to leave it AU for season 3 of TW (such as Sheriff Stilinski's name, Derek's age being tweeked to fit my needs…) For SPN, other than a few vague mentions of Purgatory and the trials, there's not a specific setting within season 8, but this is before the "trials" have fully come into play. Warning, this story will include Teenchester flashbacks and possibly mess with the canon timeline ever so slightly (though, with SPN's disappearing soap-opera years, I have no clue how the canon timeline actually fits together now, so we'll just have some fun with it).
Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2 :
Chapter 3 :
Chapter 4 AO3 Art Masterpost Do check out
SophiaP's art masterpost and give her wonderful piece of work some love!
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Teen Wolf. No money is being made off this story. Title inspired by the Metallica song.