hey yall im so bourd but so exited connor is comeing tomarow yay i camt wait he is prpobley just going 2 hang out w/ my sister but it is still going 2be go 2 see him
well wut up antholo homies i miss u guy well one of my other homies u mite not no is comein down here i cant wait his name is connor well i think yall should come hitch a ride w/ em hahaha it sonds like something yall would do 2 lol
today was cool so far i going s the mall and geting new cloths and then going 2 the movies w/ some friends and then going out 2 eat some were yay...... well speking of eating geuss who i got 2 eat ?????????? jackie yay i so happy tnx 4 eating something well g2g
i talked 2 jackie yesterday it was alsome if yall talk 2 her tell her 2 eat some thing she is stareving her self !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!