This means you should pursue your education in order to obtain that knowledge. It's never wasted on anyone, so you should take advantage of it. Just remember that different people will wield their knowledge in different ways.
Go to school, okay? I'll be going too, you know. ♥
(I have a Might and Magic class, too. And I didn't even know you had capabilities for magic. I'm a little impressed~)
You are right. I'm sure something here can be put to good use. If you're going to school, I should be able too.
...And my magic isn't anything so marvelous. Some of my power is borrowed from my sword, but while I'm here, I might as well work on improving that aspect of myself.
Of course you should. Even if you are older than me. Schooling is always a good thing. It keeps you out of trouble (or in your case, puts you into more of it).
Oh...! I guess that would be a little different from me then, hee hee~
Comments 3
This means you should pursue your education in order to obtain that knowledge. It's never wasted on anyone, so you should take advantage of it. Just remember that different people will wield their knowledge in different ways.
Go to school, okay?
I'll be going too, you know. ♥
(I have a Might and Magic class, too. And I didn't even know you had capabilities for magic. I'm a little impressed~)
...And my magic isn't anything so marvelous. Some of my power is borrowed from my sword, but while I'm here, I might as well work on improving that aspect of myself.
Even if you are older than me. Schooling is always a good thing. It keeps you out of trouble (or in your case, puts you into more of it).
Oh...! I guess that would be a little different from me then, hee hee~
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