Minx, when you find the right person, you will want to be intimate. Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't force yourself to have feelings for this guy. It isn't your fault. And there is no point in staying with someone who doesn't make you happy- it's just a waste of time- yours and theirs. You did this kid a favor by letting him go. At least you aren't stringing him along. You were honest and that's what counts.
And yeah, things WILL be weird with him for a while. My suggestion is to just put some distance between the two of you for a while. Don't IM him or go out of your way to talk to him. It'll just make things harder. I always go with two weeks of staying away from my ex after a break up. I don't know why two, but that's what I do and it works (mostly). You can go longer if you like.
Anyway, I know it sucks dumping someone who you care about and who cares about you, so I hope you feel better soon. Keep your head up, kiddo.
Babe, don't feel bad. You already have the person you need anyway. I'm right here, mmmhmmm! *tackles and begins baby-making* I love you, and stuff like this happens. It will all turn out okay. *LURVE*3h -T3h Sex
It's OK Amby. You were not comfortable with the realationship, and you realized this and stepped out. Something a lot of people need to understand how to do. I'm proud of you. And, of course, I'm sitting on your shoulder with my halo ready to play whitelighter if needed. /quirks head sideways anime-style
Amber your a very beautifull girl. i know how you feel about the whole breaking up thing becasue you know what i went through. yea it sucks. but the thing is i was the one being dumped. if you know you can be friends with him still then just call him and talk once and a great while. becaue when he didnt call me after that happened it made me worse. just getting that 2 second phone call was just fine. and the whole getting intimate thing, i know how you feel on that too. i wasnt with the right guy so i never wanted to be all lovey dovey. but now that i have my fucking heart and sole. HOLY JESUS!!! hey just keep it to your imagination ok ;). once you got that connection with someone youll know. and heeeeeeeeeeeey how bout one of those back rubs eh? eh? call me sometime this vacation and well chill k? love ya! byes
Comments 8
And yeah, things WILL be weird with him for a while. My suggestion is to just put some distance between the two of you for a while. Don't IM him or go out of your way to talk to him. It'll just make things harder. I always go with two weeks of staying away from my ex after a break up. I don't know why two, but that's what I do and it works (mostly). You can go longer if you like.
Anyway, I know it sucks dumping someone who you care about and who cares about you, so I hope you feel better soon. Keep your head up, kiddo.
-T3h Sex
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