I'm bored. Business is too slow nowadays. Everyone just wants to fight with the other houses. Sure, I could join them, but what's the fun in that? Hmm... I need someone to contact me. Maybe I'll get word on who's available for this little dance we're having on All Hallow's Eve.
Private to Draco )
Comments 9
Ah Adrian, never the typical slytherin now are you? not wanting to take part in antogonizing other houses? Who would have known. Can't believe we're finally seventh years... went crazy fast. I don't believe we've talked at all this year? figures Hope to see you around the quidditch pitch, eh?
-Katie Bell
Ah, Katie Bell. 'S been a while, hasn't it? Then again, have we ever had a truly pleasant conversation? Maybe we should try a little experiment; see if a Gryffindor and a Slytherin can hold a friendship without either murdering each other or being murdered by our peers. Would be interesting, now wouldn't it?
-Adrian Pucey
(By the way; as you may be able to tell already, I simply love making things more complicated in life. It adds...suspense)
Oh Adrian, I do believe that would be quite the experiment. However, I'm not sure the out come would work too well. It would be inter-house unity though... hm..
-Katie Bell
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