1. Name: Matt
2. Age: 16
3. Gender: Male
4. How Long you have had Pyrotic Urges: 4 years
5. Best pyromaniac story: Once I welded a 5 gallon barrel shut and filled it with nitrate and gasoline, damn I'm glad I had a fuse.
6. Favorite artist/band/singer/composer: System of a Down
7. What lyric would most describe you:
8. how often do you burn off your hair: Usually about once a month I get hair burned off of my arm.
9. When was your introduction to pyroism: Started playing with lighter fluid when I was 12
10. If you have any, post some pics of your most recent Pyrotic venture: None sorry
11. Where did you hear about this community? Searched under "Pyroism"
(bonus)12. Can you find the lady?: No