We're going from
using Photoshop CS.
01. Open you picture and crop/resize it.
02. Go to Image>> Adjustments>> Color Balance. I added cyan. My settings were -65/0/0.
03. Duplicate you base. Blend Mode: Screen. Opacity: 100% *Layer 01*
04. Paste
this layer. Blend Mode: Exclusion. Opacity: 40% *Layer 02*
05. Paste
this layer. Blend Mode: Color Burn. Opacity: 100% *Layer 03*
06. Duplicate your base again and drag it on top of the layers. Blend Mode: Soft Light. Opacity: 100% *Layer 04*
07. Merge the layers down.
08. Go to Image>> Adjustemnts>> Seletive Colors. Red = + 100% black. Cyans = - 100% magenta/ + 100% yellow.
09. Sharpen it and add text/brushes if you want to.
Other icons made with the same tecnique: