We're going from
in Photoshop CS.
01. Open Your picture. Resize/crop it.
02. Go to Image>> Adjustments>> Color Balance.
My settings.
03. Go to Image>> Adjustments>> Color Balance again.
My setting.
04. Duplicate the base. Blend mode: Screen. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 01*
05. Repeat step 04 in case your picture/capture is too dark. In Sayid & Jack icons I didn't add this step. *Layer 02*
06. Add this
layer. Blend Mode: Color Burn. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 03*
07. Add this
layer. Blend Mode: Ovelay. Opacity: 100%. Depending how the icon come out erase the blue part from the skin. On Sayid & Kates icons I erased it, in Jack one I didn't. *Layer 04*
08. Add this
layer. Blend Mode: Color Burn. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 05*
09. Add this
layer. Blend Mode: Exclusion. Opacity: 40%. *Layer 06*
10. Add this
layer. Blend Mode: Color Burn. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 07*
11. Duplicate the base and drag it in the top of the layer. Blend Mode: Soft Light. Opacity: 100%. *Layer 08*
12. Merge & sharpen it. Add brushes/text if you want to.
Other icons made with the same tecnique