Title: Online Dating Profiles
Author: Indra Leigh
Rating: FR13
Crossover: BtVS and Avengers
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Avengers
Summary: Both Buffy and Bruce make online dating profiles.
Warnings: nope
Timeline/Setting: post avengers movie and after chosen.
Author's notes(if any): none today
You’re almost done! Now for your profile.
Bruce sighed the online dating site claimed almost done 45 minutes ago. Looking at the timer on the whirring machine he went back to the set up your profile page. Late knights when there was nothing to do but wait on equipment to run or Jarvis to compile numbers Bruce had taken to aimlessly surfing the internet. After listening to Natasha and Clint talk about what to put on his online profile Bruce decided to see what was in-volved.
“Oh he’s kinda cute.” Buffy said pulling her laptop closer to her. She had formed a habbit of surfing the in-ternet while a reports of the previous night’s slaying and activites were reviewed and plotted to see if there was any sort of slow escalation or patterns developing. She stayed close in case there was questions or something bad needed attention immediately. Last week Buffy had filled out an online dating profile and had been careful not to tell anyone about it. She didn’t want to put up with the endless questions and teas-ing. Clicking on the communicate further button she took another look at his description.
“She’s pretty. Supervisor at academic academy and occasional teacher.” Bruce mumbled as the centrifuge spun. “I like her choice in intro questions.”
“Dr. Banner If you leave now you will be on time to your appointment.” Jarvis said as Bruce stretched in his chair.
“Oh crap. Jarvis can you save my work for me so I can leave?” Bruce asked quickly making sure his shirt was tucked in and grabbing his jacket from the hook near the door.
Darting between people Buffy ran across town hoping she wouldn’t be too late for her meeting with Bruce. It was their first actual in person meeting and previously her worry was that the smart cute doctor would only see dumb blond California airhead and now she had to add can’t tell time to it.
She’s so pretty and has a wonderful way with words. I hope I didn’t get anything on my clothes today either from eating while working or simply working in the lab. I really hope she sees me as more than an unkempt absent minded fool.
Two hands reached for the door at the same time.