Title: The Slayer and the Witchlighter
Author: 3am_moonlight aka mirrored_illusions
Summary: Buffy meets her guardian angel.
Crossover: Charmed
Characters: Buffy Summers, Melinda Halliwell.
Rating: Gen
Word count: 456
Challenge: The 2016 August Fic-a-Day Challenge on the Twisted Shorts comm on LJ. Day 6.
Disclaimer: BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et al. SGACharmed belongs to someone with big, scary lawyers.
Buffy was in a cemetery on the outskirts of a small town she had stopped in on her way to, well… She wasn’t actually headed anywhere in particular. After Sunnydale, after the chaos in Los Angeles afterwards, after the initial reconstruction of the Watcher’s Council, after the battle and death of Angel and his crew the year after Sunnydale disappeared into a sinkhole, she had decided that she needed some time by herself. Unsurprisingly everyone and their kitten had objected for any and all reasons they could think of, and some that just made her roll her eyes, but in the end she had packed her bags and put it in her new car, and simply left.
Dawn had whined and cried, Willow had tried telling her that she needed to be a leader and to teach the new Slayer, and Xander had tried to be funny while essentially blackmailing her, and when that didn’t work he had accused her of abandoning them again. Giles had been too busy to notice until she had actually left. Their reactions had hurt, but she hadn’t been surprised. Not really. It was how they had acted towards her for years.
Faith had been the only one who understood and approved. No doubt a result of her upbringing. Instead of trying to get her to stay she had given her a list of places to visit, advice on how to deal with certain people, and a promise to keep the others off her back. All she had asked in return was a weekly phone call and some pictures from wherever she went. Buffy had gratefully accepted.
Now she was standing in a cemetery looking at a teenage girl who had just appeared in blue and white lights. The girl couldn’t be more than 16, 17 at the most. She was pretty with long, straight brown hair, blue eyes, and she was only a little taller than Buffy herself.
“I’m your new Whitelighter, or rather Witchlighter, or if you want - guardian angel. Normally we focus on good witches and future Whitelighters, but you’ve been deemed a special case. You’re my first charge and I’m babbling. Sorry.” The girl took a deep breath and reached out her hand which Buffy automatically shook.
“My name is Melinda Halliwell, and I’m not making a very good impression, am?” She smiled sheepishly. “Basically I’m here to help protect you while you fight, and to get information for you.”
Buffy blinked. Eight years as a Slayer and she got a guardian angel now?
The teenager and the Slayer spent several hours after that discussing their different roles and in the end Buffy agreed to a test period of one month. Who knew what might happen?