Title: Little Supergirl
Author: 3am_moonlight
Rating: Gen.
Crossover: Stargate Atlantis
Timeline: Anytime post-Chosen, anytime for SGA.
Characters: John Sheppard, Buffy Summers.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon. SGA belongs to MGM.
Summary: John and Buffy vs the vampires, take three. And Sheppard finally manages to offer Buffy a new job.
Word Count: 1164
Note: Follows '
A Face Full of Dust' and '
Dust In the Park'.
Buffy was standing with her arms crossed underneath her chest, a frown marring her pretty face. Some twenty yards in from of her was the same messy haired, hazel-eyed man she had already saved twice from getting eaten by vampires. For a third time in seven days, he had managed to get corned by vampires, but this time he was wielding a wooden stake in his right hand. So far he had been unable to actually use it effectively, but it wasn't for lack of trying. His hand-to-hand fighting technique could use some work, but the way he was fighting showed he was used to battling with someone who was bigger and/or a lot stronger than him.
It was promising, especially since she was pretty sure he was some kind of military. Or it was possibly a big problem, depending on what exactly he was involved in. According to her contacts, a man fitting his description had been asking a lot of questions about her but had avoided using the words 'vampire', 'demons', 'supernatural', and similar words and phrases. Buffy reluctantly gave ten points to him for that since it probably would have gotten him laughed out of whichever military branch he had sworn allegiance to if he had tried.
Of course, he didn't actually know her name, so that had hampered him a little, but it hadn't stopped him from trying. On the flip side, her contact wouldn't tell her *his* name either, and by the way they had been talking about him, his name was apparently highly classified and very hush-hush. Or rather whatever he did for a living was highly classified and very hush-hush and they didn't want her to start digging. Which stank of the Initiative, except without the literal demonic parts. Hopefully.
Suddenly Buffy put on a burst of speed and was quickly beside the troublesome man as he was about to get bitten *again*. Twenty seconds later and all four vamps were blowing in the early autumn wind and Buffy was glaring directly at Hazel-Eyes for not being able to follow simple instructions.
"Which part of 'avoid dark alleys and dark unpopulated parts of parks' is just outside of your ability to understand?"
"Supergirl!" He gave her a disarming smile while ignoring her question, which was partly ruined by the fading black eye but points for trying. "Could you teach me how to stake vampires without getting bitten or killed?"
Buffy stared at him for a whole five seconds before she literally face/palmed; clearly, she spent too much time around teenagers. After taking a deep, calming breath she removed her hand and re-established eye-contact with her current trouble magnet.
"Are you on drugs?" He wasn't, she would've smelled it on him, but flimsy excuse or not she needed something to distract him from the dangerous path he was trying to walk.
"No. And do we really need to repeat the whole denial thing again? Vampires are clearly real, you've dusted three groups of them just to save me, and who knows how many others." He was clearly getting slightly annoyed with her and her avoidance of his questions. Though luck.
"Look, mister whoever-you-are, -" He promptly interrupted her by introducing himself.
"Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, United States Air Force. And you are?" Damn, damn, and triple damn. She was so hoping he wouldn't get to the point where he'd get to tell her his name, it pretty much forced her to return the courtesy or be rude. Then she rewound what he'd just said. Wait, he was an officer? And a colonel, even?
"You're a colonel, you keep getting beat up by gang members, *and* needing saveage from a woman half your size?" She grinned; hello convenient distraction!
The look on his face said he didn't appreciate her side-stepping his question again, or the way she attempted to deflect attention from herself. Though luck about that, too, buddy!
"Look, kid, "she gave him a glare and he immediately rectified his choice of words, "Look, Little Supergirl, if you won't tell me about vampires can't you at least give me your name? Or, barring that, a nickname, something I can call you?"
With a glint in her eye, she sassily replied, "You may call me Supergirl, even if I can't fly."
"Fine. Little Supergirl it is. Now, about the vampires..." Geesh, he was persistent. Was that something they taught in Colonel School?
"Look, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard of the United States Air Force, there will be no lessons on vampires or any other myths about what goes bump in the night so carry on with your day, I mean night, and just forget about these little encounters. There's nothing to see, carry on."
While she'd been talking she'd carefully maneuvered him back onto the main street and conveniently away from the unlit side street he'd decided to wander down that night. She would never understand men and their need to go somewhere they shouldn't just to prove their 'masculinity'. Colonel Sheppard's first meeting with the undead had clearly been an accident, the second might have been but it also could've been deliberate, but the third. The third one was definitely deliberate, the crudely sharpened stake was more than enough evidence of that.
The better question was, did he do it to see if he could kill the undead or because he wanted to talk to her? Buffy wasn't a self-centered person, not since her days at Hemery High and its snobby atmosphere, but this man's behavior was suspicious. Before she could continue much further in her ruminations, or sneak away before he could come up with even more questions he managed to get out a question she hadn't expected.
"I work for a top secret program, it's civilian-led but with a heavy military presence, one where your fighting skills would come in very useful. So would you like a new job?"
Buffy blinked at the non-sequitur, "Come again?"
"It's a scientific expedition but I can't go into details since I'm pretty sure you don't have a clearance, but we need more people, civilians, with combat skills and who isn't spooked by the unusual. And since you clearly are familiar with the more exotic wildlife I'm gambling on you being able to handle what we do. So what do you say?" He gave her another version of the disarming smile, it was actually pretty nice when she stopped to take a better look at it, but still. The man was military and that was a no-no. Been there, done that, got the broken heart.
"I'm, um, honored Colonel Sheppard, but I already have a job, one I really like. And since you're military, the answer is always going to be 'no'.
His face fell, and she took the chance to leave with a parting comment.
"Stay away from the dark alleys and parks!"
As she quickly walked away she heard him yell after her, "At least think about it!"