icon post

Apr 03, 2010 19:26

I've been amassing these since summer I think. I can't even check my tags because I started redoing them and then never finished :/ I'm tired of them being here so I'm just going to post.

1-8 Farscape
9-36 Stargate SG1/Atlantis (Mostly Sam, Vala, and Elizabeth with a couple of the guys thrown in)
37-50 Sanctuary
51-59 Battlestar Galactica

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icons, icons: stargate, icons: battlestar galactica, icons: farscape, icons: sanctuary

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Comments 5

krissie678 April 3 2010, 23:48:24 UTC
I love all the Stargate women icons and #11 & I will watch Farscape eventually... I swear.


twister_pants April 4 2010, 00:15:19 UTC
Thank you :D Farscape is amazing. Just get through the first season, and I promise you will eventually love it. Aeryn is the most kickass female character I've ever seen.


claudiasharon April 4 2010, 03:28:43 UTC
Oooh, lovely icons! ♥


twister_pants April 4 2010, 04:16:46 UTC
Thank you very much ♥


cheekanzoop April 4 2010, 07:44:49 UTC
Oooooh, I love these!!! &hearts


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