1748 songs (6.44GB) and it's pretty much leveled out for right now. Except I seem to have misplaced my copy of Magical Mystery Tour. So that's infuriating
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1.18GB of 30GB loaded so far. iPodland is quite a big undertaking. It's pretty cool hearing all my music come up at random via the shuffle option. I've never had that before, so it may take some getting used to
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ApathyEnthusiast: dammit debrah i'm such a failure prettynerd00: davie!! prettynerd00: you are not prettynerd00: you're wonderful prettynerd00: thoughtful prettynerd00: intelligent prettynerd00: caring prettynerd00: witty prettynerd00: insightful prettynerd00: and A CUTIE
Six men on their knees Eyes shining in the highbeams of the searchlight Cops' shadows on the wall, several stories tall Instilling whoa such a fright One's kicked in the gut, he's all cut up by the corner cop. One stands in defense In a broken sentence asks not to be shot "If you please Men of authority We do not speak your language see Please act