π Every week, you will follow Inui as he travels to different schools, collecting data.
π He will ask you a question that is related to that school (i.e. about a character from that school, the tennis club, the school itself, etc).
π Correct answers will get you random cards and/or items from that particular school. If there are no decks from that school yet, then the prizes will be item01 (green tennis balls).
π Correct answers to the more difficult questions will get you item02 (pink tennis balls).
This week we're at:
Inui says:
Thank you for your assistance last week. If you wish to include this into your own notebook, Fuji Shuusuke's older sister is Yumiko and his younger brother is Yuuta.
Now, as you all know, the current Fudoumine tennis team was formed after its current buchou transferred into the school. So, that brings up the question: what is the name of the school that Tachibana Kippei attended previously?
You have until Friday, April 17th to give me your answers. I have random cards from Fudoumine in return for your assistance. And since it is Easter for most of you this weekend, I will include one random item for correct answers.
This round is now closed.