Advent Calendar - December 7 - Replay

Dec 07, 2009 08:51

(I'm posting this a bit lot earlier than I'm supposed to -- I'm not sure if I'll be online around the time I posted the last two rounds, since internet is not readily available at the place where I work.)

It was really interesting to read everybody's thoughts on who they think they're most like! I'm jealous of those who can see multiple characters in themselves -- me, I really only see Eiji in me. (I'm particularly envious of you people who have Fuji's inherent genius in them. In that sense, I'm like one of those poor kids who never make it to regulars: no matter how hard I try, I'm never good enough for anything :D? [/emo])


Which is your favorite episode, and why?

(I know I'm cheating by using a screencap from the myu, shush. MY BELOVED 4THCAST NEEDS LOVE.)

Mine is OAV12: FUTARI (The two of us)

As much as I love my unconventional pairings (more on that in a couple of weeks! :D), my number one pairing in the series is still Golden Pair. And they seriously do not get any better than finally achieving Synchro for the first time, IMO. I liked this one better than when they pulled it out at will during the finals match of Nationals, because at that latter point, we'd already seen Synchro. By then, we already knew that they could do it. But this? The very first time? It's the ultimate culmination of everything they'd gone through together, from fighting due to Oishi being stressed about Momo to making up just because they are awesome and always in sync that way. From arguing about Oishi voluntarily removing himself from the regulars roster, to Eiji realizing that he played better when he had his most trusted partner. From the day Eiji rammed into Oishi's shoulder in the spring of their freshman year, to standing on the court against Hyoutei's best doubles team. From being so incredibly different and seemingly incompatible at first to truly being 一心同体 -- of one body and soul, completely united, knowing when to push each other and when to hold each other back, for the sake of keeping their partnership strong all the way to the very end.

*copy-pastes-slightly-edits reply to Asuka* I've always thought of Synchro as complete surrender. Leaving your body to bend to your partner's will and completely entrusting it to him. And it kinda sounds and looks wrong written out like that, but that's precisely what I think it is. Absolute, unconditional trust in your partner. Synchro may just be something that Konomi-sensei pulled out of his crazy rear end, but it's an ideal ideology that I think every real-life couple/team/duo/whatever should strive for. That unwavering faith in each other that allows each of them to abandon himself and just trust in that strong bond between him and his partner, without question, without doubt.

To reference my darling Ichiban's blog entry (even though he was talking about a totally different match -- his and Seto's against Masa+Baba): It doesn't matter what the script says. For me, they were definitely the winners that day.

Yes, half the reason I came to love this episode more than the SaeFu vs Data Pair match, despite it being SaeFu's one and only doubles game ♥, is because Mao got to play this match. Yeah. MY BIAS, IT IS EPIC.

For today, please take a card of your choice from a deck that you are NOT collecting -- whether as a Current, Future, Far Future, or Second Mastery AM I THE ONLY ONE CRAZY ENOUGH TO COLLECT MY FAVORITE DECKS MORE THAN ONCE??? deck. (I'll be checking! :D) This is to encourage some trading, so どうぞ~ In less confusing words: Go hop around everyone's posts, see if they have cards you need, and take a card that THEY need as your Advent Calendar freebie for today. Or keep it for yourself. As long as it's not among your Current/Future/Far Future/Second Mastery decks.

And just for lulz, I feel the need to post this card:

It's not a giveaway, though! I'm just posting it ^_^ Though feel free to pick it up as your freebie and trade it with me for whatever card you need from my Trading pile -- I welcome all copies of this particular card :DDDDDDDD

advent calendar, mod:juu

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