Layout Contest 02

Jun 28, 2009 18:16

It's time for Twist Serve's second layout contest! Well, it's more like layout help than a contest. XD; If you're good at layouts and coding, do help out!

- the layout must use a stylesheet
- you must code parts of the styesheet (h1 and h2 must be defined, etc.). I used very weird coding for the entire website, so you'll have to stick to this coding. You can view the current stylesheet here. I used #top, #mainwrapper, #menutext, #maintext, and #bottomwrapper.
- the layout must be IE and firefox compatible.
- the layout must have a menu. If it's a fancy menu, you'll have to help me out with it. ;)
- if you are doing a non scrolling layout, the layout must be small enough so that people with small monitors won't have to scroll up and down.
- Please stick close to our current width so that decks display correctly.
- the layout must use Fudoumine colors. (We'll be going through the schools~).
- Twist Serve TCG and the subtitle "A Prince of Tennis online trading card game" must be somewhere in the layout.
- Send a screenshot of the layout and the images and stylesheets necessary for the layout in a zip to rykatu[at]yahoo[dot]com. If you have a working example, even better!
- This will run until July 25th.

Please define your tables with this code and tweak the style to fit your layout:

table#twist {
border-collapse: collapse;
color: #000000;
width: 500px;


table#twist td {
padding: 2px 0px 2px 2px;
border-bottom: solid #ff0000 1px;


.toprow {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
border-bottom: solid #ff0000 2px;
background-color: #d3d3d3;
color: #FFFFFF;


Your rewards for participating (even if you don't get chosen) is:
-1 layout event card
-1 copy of your student ID
-2 item02
-6 random cards

Your rewards for getting chosen:
-all the above
-your choice of the next two decks to be released
-one puzzle deck suggestion

If you have any questions, ask away!


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