(no subject)

May 16, 2005 16:40

I've always liked the idea of doing something music-wise later on. Not necessarily as a job, but at least as a hobby. I'm not particularly gifted when it comes to music but I am very motivated. Well I can be anyway, I also have periods of doing bugger-all, but then I do bugger-all in general so that doesn't really count.

Anyway, recently I have been putting more work into getting better on my bass guitar. To motivate myself, I've been keeping a list of the songs I'm able to play. Yes, that's how I learn to play, if I wanted to get lessons I'd have to pay myself and I find it rather expensive, especially seeing as I may as well teach myself. At least that way it sounds impressive as well. Heh.

Anyhow, seeing as I'm still extremely motivated but my wrists and fingers are sore from playing, here's a recap of the list, in an order that is vaguely alphabetical.

  • The Cure - Love Cats

    I quite like The Cure and this has a rather prominent bassline, so when I decided to learn a Cure song on bass this seemed like the most logical option.
  • The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love
    The Darkness. Hee. Anyway, I learned this one because one of my old bands wanted to play it. We didn't eventually, but by the time they had decided that I'd already learned this song. But yes, it's another addition to my 'repetoire'. Oh that sounds so posh.
  • Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
    I saw the tab for this song and I thought, fucking hell. That was when I first started playing though. Now, I'm a big fan of ze Franz and needless to say this is a great song, so when I was in the mood for a challenge I learned this.
  • Franz Ferdinand - This Fire
    I was obsessed with this song for a while, so it seemed only logical to learn how to play it on bass.
  • Franz Ferdinand - Micheal
    It's a song about gay people! What other motivation do you need? Well that and it's really easy. This was the second song I learned.
  • Green Day - Poprocks and Coke
    I could already play this on guitar, it was all power chords so... Yes. Easy addition.
  • The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So
    I could already play this on guitar, I'd even recorded it with a friend of mine once. This was also a song that my old band wanted to play. They would have, as well, if we had continued to exist.
  • The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk
    What can I say? I like The Hives. Besides, this was an easy song to learn.
  • The Hives - See Through Head
    Same story as above, really.
  • Kasabian - Processed Beats
    Kasabian, mmm. Nice. Beisides, extremely easy to learn. It's one riff through the whole song. And it's catchy.
  • McLusky - Fuck This Band
    First song I ever learned on my bass. It didn't seem easy to learn, I just really like the song. If you haven't heard it, you should. It's one of the slower songs the late McLusky did, with brilliant lyrics as ever.
  • Muse - Plug In Baby
    It's Muse. It's Plug In Baby. Enough said.
  • Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
  • When I first started playing guitar I was really into Nirvana, this was the first song I learned to play which had power chords. It's the power chordsness that enables me to play it on bass.
  • No Doubt - Hella Good
    It's not something I'm proud of, but I quite like some of No Doubt's stuff. Especially this song, it rocks. Bigly. And the bass rocks even biglier, hence me learning it.
  • Snow Patrol - Run
    When I first got my bass I was obsessed with Snow Patrol. I still think it's a great band, but at the time I listened to hardly anything else, which is the reason I learned a load of their songs. I've forgotten which ones I learned right now, but these three are the ones I can remember.
  • Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
    See above.
  • Snow Patrol - Chocolate
    See above.
  • The Von Bondies - C’mon C’mon
    I love this song. As with a few of the other songs I mentioned, for a while I listened to this song a hell of a lot, which was the reason I wanted to learn it on bass. If you haven't heard it, you should.
  • The White Stripes - Hypnotize
    Yes, the White Stripes don't have a bass player. We all know that. This, once again is a case of using the powerchords.
  • The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
    This one does sort of have a bassline, it just isn't played on an actual bass. I could already play this song, both on guitar and drums (not that difficult really), now I can also play it on bass. Yay.
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