1. Slept in your bed?: me
2. Saw you cry: dont remember
3. Went to the movies with you?: courtney
4. You went to the mall with?: lisa
5. You went to dinner with?: dunno
6. You talked on the phone?: cant remember
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it?: .....
8. Broke your heart?: my heart is cold and black :P
9. Made you laugh?: me
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R?:
1. pierce your nose or tongue?: tongue!!!
2. be serious or be funny?: both
3. drink whole or skim milk?: skim
4. die in a fire or drown?: drown.
5. spend time with your parents or enemies?: tough question.
A R E Y O U. . :
1. simple or complicated?: complicated
2. Gay?: no
3. Hardcore?: no
1. flowers or candy?: candy
2. gray or black?: black
3. Color or Black and white photos?: color
4. lust or love?: lust
5. sunrise or sunset?: sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&M's
8. staying up late or waking up early?: Staying up Late.
1. do you like anyone?: no
2. do they know it?:
2. sun or moon?: moon
3. Winter or Fall?: winter
4. left or right?: left
5. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?: 10 acquaintances
6. sun or rain?: rain
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: chocolate
8. Boys or girls?: boys
9. vodka or Jack?: vodka
What time is it?: almost time to leave
Name?: emily
Nickname(s): em, potty, twitch
Where were you born?: Newfoundland
What is your birthdate?: july 23
Where do you want to live?: NL
How many kids do you want?: none!
What would you want to name a girl?: sucker
What would you want to name a boy?:
You want to get married?: no
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: we are eating spagetti tonight...bujt not me cuz i have class and it wasnt made early enough so that i could eat too.
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?: possibly.
3. favorite ice cream: chocolate
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet?: dunno. dont care
5. What's your favorite beverage?: water and OJ
7. Do you cook?: no
In the last month have you...
1. Had a bf/gf: no
2. Bought something: Yes
4. Sang: yes
5. Been kissed: kiss on the cheek: no
6. Been hugged: yea :/ please dont
7. Felt stupid: all the time
8. Missed someone: possibly
9. Got drunk: no
10. Gotten high: ....
11. Danced crazy: no
12. Gotten your hair cut: no
13. Cried: no
14. Snuck out of the house: im 19. i have my freedom.