Title: We Compare Our Hearts To Things That Fly But Cannot Land
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 40,952
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Title from the song We Could Be Friends by Freelance Whales
Summary:(Season 2 AU Where Blaine transfers to McKinley, Burt is already married to Carole, and Lauren joins the New Directions at the beginning of the year with Sam and Blaine)
When Kurt Hummel was six years old, he told his mother he wanted a soulmate. Ten years later, when he shakes Blaine Anderson’s hand, a spark shoots through his entire body. At first, Kurt writes it off as nothing, just static electricity. But as days go by, they both realize that they are starting to get constant headaches, stomach cramps, the whole nine. The only time the pain stops? When they’re near each other. The longer they’re together, the stronger the bond becomes, eventually escalating to needing physical contact. So when they realize they need to literally be together 24/7 to survive, how will they cope?
soldierly Written for
klainebigbang Notes:
I've been working on this fic for the better part of the last six months and it is honestly my baby. What I originally planned on barely capping 15k ended up being a 40k word-monster fic that I am so ridiculously proud of.
People I really need to thank for this are mainly two of my best friends
Sam and
Sam, bb, you were there not only to beta the fic for me but also to pretty much hold my hand and force me to write and make me believe that I could actually finish this.
And Sol, honey, I honestly think I would've quit the challenge had it not been for you. You listened to me bitch and whine over this damn fic for months and never once complained. I'd send you constant teasers from it and you'd respond with only amazing things to say and just thank you. Both of you. I love you so so much.
I also want to thank my absolutely amazing artist,
Elsje, who took my story and created something wonderful. You completely went above and beyond anything I expected and I cannot thank you enough for it. You're such an amazingly talented artist and I'm so glad I got to work with you this year.
And lastly I want to thank all my other friends on tumblr who dealt with my neurotic posts about how this story was going to be the death of me and just constantly flooded me with messages of encouragement. This fic is totally for you guys. Thank you.
fanmix art part one part two part three part four part five part sixpart seven reblog on tumblr if you're so inclined~