Jun 24, 2011 03:21
[Tweedledum and Tweedledee may look and sound a bit different from last time, but their speech patterns and personalities have not changed whatsoever.
They're still identical, though, and at the moment, standing back to back, the only way to tell them apart is that one of them is sulking and the other looks like she's about to throw a fit.]
It was mine, you know, and now you've ruined it. That's bad form.
Yes, I suppose it was. Contrariwise, it can't be fixed now.
Nohow. So you'll agree that there's only one thing to be done?
Yes. We must have a battle to set things right.
But you know... [She turns to face her sister.] I don't really want to fight you.
Nor I you. [She turns around as well.]
So there's only one solution.
[The two smile at each other and clasp hands, suddenly and inexplicably excited.]
We must have a game of chess.
The very best game of chess.
Everyone will participate. It would be bad form for them not to, wouldn't you say?
I would. Naturally.
Contrariwise, we'll have to get permission if we want to have enough pieces.
It's impolite to take what's not yours. Which is how this got started in the first place.
['Dee begins to sulk again.] Let's just ask now, shall we.
Yes. Let's.
[And both of them turn to the camera again, beaming.]
Red Queen! We want to play a game!