Title: Nowhere Else To Go
Rating: Teen
Summary: Jack is taken advantage of by Bill. This fic began at the Potc_Love drabble group, but I liked it, so I rewrote it. Sorry if the format goes strange, but Lj doesnt seem to like me :(
Bill took Jack to the nearest tavern to listen to him talk. Fifteen years old and Jack knew nothing of the world other
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Comments 4
I like this. It's creepy. (And with poor lovelorn Jack taking over my head to pine for his William, it's very nice to see things flowing the other way for once. Go make the bastard suffer, Jack!)
Please God don't let Will ever find out...
Thanks for reading!!
The way I read your story, Bill is going to do what Jack wants, sooner or later, and get him onto a ship. After that, I imagine there'll be no stopping Jack, and Bill will be left to mope. About bloody time too.
This was beautifully done, loved the way you portrayed Bill! And the last line was fantastic, a very interesting take on what's behind their friendship!
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