Thats right, The 90% A-Team, as in supporters of 90% Awesome, 10% Kick ass. Me and Lucy picked this new name tonight for the band formerly known as Sonata Arctica
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My run of bad luck has been getting me down, seem to be alot quieter these days, and tend not to bother doing... well anything.
Things (he says cautiously) seem to be on the up, not saying Im gonna be parting like a mad sod but might be abit more inclined to socialize in afew weeks time
for those wow players not on sarah's flist, seems we are making an army on WoW of Gnome DKs with really bad jokes for names such as
Gnometastic Gnomepain, etc etc
So if you play wow, make your own Gnome Death Knight with a really bad name on Kilrog server and will enlist you to the special guild rank ive set up for it
Your results: You are Jean-Luc Picard Jean-Luc Picard 45% Worf 45% Will Riker 40% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 40% Mr. Scott 35% Geordi LaForge 35% James T. Kirk (Captain) 30% Chekov 30% Deanna Troi 30% Data 26% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 25% Uhura 20% Mr. Sulu 10% Beverly Crusher 10% Spock 4%
A lover of Shakespeare and other fine
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