this is quite possibly the most enlightening personal revelation i have ever read... ever. ive felt the same way my whole life, and i have never had the courage to pick up and go. id love to just drop everything and start a new life. you should look up lake tahoe or reno nevada if you really have the guts to in the future, they have cool artists districts and cute little houses and everyone knows everyone (heh sometimes thats a bad thing) maybe even vegas would be cool for you, considering the hot weather and traffic most of the time, there are alooooott of opportunities for a young woman like you, i totally wish you the best of luck and keep up the optimism! i barely check my LJ anymore, but hit me up on myspace if u wish to chat
I doubt you remember me, especially since we've never met and only talked on LJ and that was years ago, but I decided to check out my old account..and I came across this entry and it really hits home... I grew up in one place and lived there for 18 years and after that I've moved around from NC to Manhattan, back to NC, to VT (my home) and have settled in Atlanta, GA. I've made the best friends of my life here and become very involved in the underground hip hop and Drum n Bass scene..but I still have this feeling of needing to be somewhere my journey isn't even getting started..I stay here for friends and I want to find a full-time job here since I got laid off back in June..but something is telling me to move on..whether it's getting out of a 4 1/2 yr relationship, the lack of good jobs, or finally feeling *Good* for the first time in years..I dunno.. anyways, your post really means something to me..I hope you find what you are looking for
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i barely check my LJ anymore, but hit me up on myspace if u wish to chat
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