Have I mentioned that I used to not like people touching me?
I used to try and schedule dentist and hair appointments for the same day to get all the "strangers touching me" business over with all at once.
Now I won't say that I actually enjoy strangers touching me these days, but I've learned to cope. This week there will be much touching. I have the dentist today, acupuncture tomorrow, cycle monitoring starting on Wednesday and physio on my shoulder and foot on Wednesday and Friday.
This means I can't wear dresses for the entire week. And it makes me sad. It's spring and I want to wear dresses. But it's just too much trouble to have get out of and back into my pantyhose for any or all of these procedures. Okay, I could have worn a dress today because the dentist doesn't need access to anything below the neck, but I'm wearing pants anyway because I don't want to have to lie there with my ankles crossed the whole time. *sigh*
I probably shouldn't admit this aloud, but I haven't had a cold in over a year. That's the good news. The bad news is that I keep feeling like I'm getting a cold. I get a sore throat and swollen glands, I get achey and tired, I get a little sniffly and a little wheezy, sometimes my temperature is up...and then it goes away.
I suppose I should be grateful that my immune system kicks ass, but I'd almost rather be wiped out for three days than have this near-constant feeling of slight un-wellness. K has been experiencing something similar. It makes me wonder if we've both got some kind of virus. *shrug*
In any case, we spent the weekend attempting to relax. We watched Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Emma (Kate Beckinsale version), X-Men: The Last Stand, and the first half of Gone With The Wind. Our eclectic tastes: Let me show you them.
To conclude my aimless wanderings, dinner tonight will be grilled hormone-free T-bone, baked potatoes, and asparagus prepared using this technique that I came up with recently:
Broiled Asparagus
1 bunch of asparagus, cleaned and trimmed
2 cloves garlic, grated
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
kosher salt
Move your oven rack to the middle position and turn on your broiler. Toss asparagus in garlic, oil, and vinegar. Sprinkle with salt. Spread out the asparagus on a broiler or baking pan. Put the pan on the middle rack and broil for 5 to 7 minutes -- watch it closely because you don't want the garlic to burn! If you put it on a rack right under the broiler, the garlic WILL burn and the asparagus will still be raw. Trust me.