Title: Recruiting
Author: Tara Keezer
Rating: PG
Crossover: AF/BtVS
Notes: Written for
emmymau, because he rocks the Casbah. Both fandoms are owned by someone who is of the else.
“So you see, it really is a good idea for your daughter to get trained, even if she doesn’t plan to be an active Slayer.” Angel sat back while the father paced back and forth.
“I’m to kill vampires?” The solemn young woman, both hands tucked behind her back, stood before Angel and looked at him the way she might look at an interesting insect.
He cleared his throat. “Yes. That’s right.”
“All vampires?”
Vaguely alarmed, Angel blinked. “Well -”
As the dust settled, Wednesday turned to her father. “Did you happen to get his business card when he came in?”