Name:: Rebecca
Age:: 15
Gender:: female
Height:: 5'7" i thinkkk
Birthday:: October 24
Hair Color:: bownish with blonde highlights
Describe yourself in one word::blonde
Describe your personality in one word:: outgoing
.:School Life:.
What grade are you in:: 11th
What school do you go to:: Braintree High
And where is that:: Braintree obviously
Do you get good grades:: uhumm between a's and d's ha
Favorite Subject:: biology last year
.:Love Life:.
Sexual Preference:: Guys
Do you have a bf/gf:: yes
If so,what is their name:: pat
How long have you been dating:: 9 days=)
Do you consider yourself in love with them:: its only been 9 days....it takes longer then that
If so,why:: uhum ill explain a reason anywho...cause he knows exactly the right words to say at every moment of the day and i feel unbelieveably comfortable around him.
Have you had your first kiss:: not with him yet
If so,when:: uhum last time i kissed someone was september?
Do you have a crush:: patrick...teehee...i swear hes not my boyfriend or anything
If so,what is their name:: patty cakers
Why do you like them:: i splained this already
Do they know you:: obviously
Do they know that you like them:: not at all....
How long have you known them:: since like last memorial day but we started talking 6 months ago to the day we went out
Best Friend(s):: Tory, Brian, KellyM, and Sam
How long have you been friends:: Tory-like since last year with a break
KellyM-7th grade
Sam-uhumm mebe 8th idk
Do you consider yourself a good friend:: yeah
How many friends do you think you have:: a lot
Most popular:: everyone haha
Most conceited:: Brian haha
Friendliest:: Tory cause she cant be mean
Meanest:: Sam...no haha just kidding i love you
Prettiest:: all of my friends are pretty hawt..yeah even the bri-guy
Craziest:: KellyM and Brian
Oldest:: Brian
Youngest:: Stevieee
Most recent:: Matt
Smartest:: Tory cause shes smart
Food:: ice cream
Person:: everyonee
Number:: 24
Show:: laguna beach
Letter:: B and idk why
Song:: just the girl by click five
Season:: summer
Dream Vacation:: to go to england, italy, france, ireland, belgian and australia all in one vaca
Dream House:: a huge and pretty one haha
Dream Room:: i have it in my head and i'm too lazy to type it out
Location:: my porch thing-a-ma-bob
.:Last Time You:.:
Watched T.V.:: now
Went to the bathroom:: like 3 hours ago
Ate:: 2 minutes ago:-P
Slept:: last night
Listened to music:: like an hour ago
Used the phone:: when i was talking to tory
IMed someone/Got an IM:: now
Went to school:: june
Played a game:: this morning
Took a shower:: this morning
Hugged someone:: sunday
Went on a date:: uhum it wasnt a date it was more like hanging with my boyfriend so we'll call it a date
Wrote a letter:: i have no idea
Cried:: saturday?
.:Last Person You:.
Hugged:: Pat
Kissed:: i dont know
Laughed at:: the movie
Cried over:: my mom
IMed/Got an IM from:: Jeff
Hurt:: umm idk
Talked to:: tory
Spoke to on the phone:: tory
Ate with:: family
Spent time with:: Pat
Saw:: Tory
Missed:: Brian
Heard:: the movie
Played with:: a razor and some jeans
.:Have You Ever:.
Been out of the country:: yes
Been out of state/province:: yes
Done drugs:: no
Done anything illegal:: yes
Slapped someone:: haha yea
Cut yourself:: last summerr....and i was stupid then..but thats not rebecca no more
Played an instrument:: nopee
Hurt someone for no reason:: yes
Hurt someone:: yes
Killed an insect/bug:: absolutly
Gotten stung by a bee:: yess
Lied to your parents:: yeah..alot of the time
Kissed Someone:: yea
.:This Or That:.
Rock or Rap:: rock
Singing or Songwriting:: singing
Tennis Shoes or Sandals:: sandals
Phone or Computer:: computer
Biking or Skating:: biking
Analog or Digital:: digital
Coke or Pepsi:: coke
Sprite or Sierra Mist:: sprite
MTV or VH1:: MTV
R&B or Country:: country
Cingular or T-Mobile:: cingular
Cats or Dogs:: cats
AIM or Yahoo:: AIM
Bzoink or Quizilla:: Quizilla
.:Word Association:.
Birthday:: October
Peanut:: snoopy haha
Good Charlotte:: i just wanna liveeeeeeeeeeee
Ravioli:: idk haha
President Bush:: fucken die bitch
T.V.:: teebeee
Rock:: bottom
Rap:: eminem
Chef:: boyardee haha
Boys:: Pat=)
Girls:: drama and gossip
Calendar:: girls
Fan:: wind
Evil:: stevie...your crazy
.:Right Now:
Eating:: RING POP!!!!
Drinking:: nada
Watching:: ;aguna beach
What is on your mousepad:: dell
What are you doing:: eating my ring pop, watching teebee and taking this thingy
What song are you listening to:: beverly hills
What's in your CD player:: toby keith
Wearing:: jeans and green bhs shirt
Time:: 8:53
Month:: July
Day of the Month:: 25
Year:: 2005
Day of the week:: Monday
What website are you on:: this one
.:Random Things:.
What color is your mousepad:: black and white
What color is your keyboard:: black
What is the phrase you use the most online:: heck yes
Did you like this survey:: kinda but its long
Are you sad that it's over:: absolutly
What are you gonna do after this survey is over:: watch teebee
Do you like pop-up ads:: NO
How long have you been online:: long time