La Oracion de Jabes

Sep 10, 2005 00:30

¡Oh, si me dieras bendicion, y ensancharas mi territorio, y s tu mano estuviera conmigo, y me libraras de mal, para que no me dane! Y le otorgo; Dios la que pidio. ~ 1 Cronicas 4:10

...just got the Prayer of Jabez in Spanish...not really sure why, but I think it's pretty cool. :)

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Comments 6

Padre Nuestro i_bleed_green September 10 2005, 06:58:03 UTC
Este es "Padre Nuestro" (The Lord's Prayer)

Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos
Santificado sea tu Nombre
Venga tu reino
Hágase tu voluntad
En la tierra como en el cielo
Danos hoy el pan de este día
y perdona nuestras deudas
como nosotros perdonamos nuestros deudores
y no nos dejes caer en al tentacion
sino que líbranos del malo.

Amen/Así sea

(And yes, hispanics actually DO say Amen. I never heard Así sea at the end of the prayers at Our Lady of Lourdes...)


choltz26 September 13 2005, 09:16:17 UTC
dont start with me. i have a spanish bible. i'll beat the both of yall. i just dont have it with me... darn. i left my english bible at home too...


choltz26 September 14 2005, 09:58:46 UTC
nm. i found my bible. i packed it and didnt realize i did. yay.


txaggie08 September 15 2005, 05:35:19 UTC
dang this isnt a competition...i just happen to have the prayer of Jabez on my wall in spanish...although...hmm...maybe i should get a spanish bible...then i could learn spanish and read the bible at the same time...hmm


choltz26 September 15 2005, 20:53:24 UTC
that was my goal. then i started takin German. so now im after a German bible. the cool thing about that is that it is translated by Martin Luther


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