It's crazy how time flies by and life changes
so quickly. It truly amazes me how my life has evolved I'm last 4 years...and I can
imagine everyone has same phenomena.
So take a minute and catch me up on you. Send me a private message or reply here
Can't wait!
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LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Comments 5
Kev's a Lowe's Assistant Manager, being trained to be the Store Manager within a year.
Lexie just started 4th grade and LOVES it.
Brittie (our 14.5 year old cat) passed away in June, and it broke my heart. We got 2 orange and white kitties last September and they're awesome, then we got another orange and white kitten a few weeks ago... She's very well received by EVERYONE and all the kitties! :D
Life is GREAT!
So, your turn! Catch ME up!
I took a different position with my company and I now work from home, which is awesome :)
Kids are growning like weeds, and everyone is pretty happy, that's all I've got to update on.
you have kept up with me (and vice versa) on facebook hah :)
Making many trips back to Arkansas to visit my inlaws who are now 89 and 93 and in rest homes.
Four years my wife and I drove our '66 Barracuda to Chicago and then followed Old Route 66 to L.A. We came back on I10 with a detour through San Angelo.
Other big news is a new young pastor at our Baptist. I published a 40th Anniversary History book. We're also building a big new building.
Ann and I will take a cruise to Key West and the Bahamas in October for her 70th birthday.
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