So I need to catch up on some tags from Jenn (
sxy_readr3). :) Sorry, hon!
1. Pick your 5 favorite OTP's
2. Find pictures and post them
3. Give the name of the OTP and what fandom they're from
4. List your favorite moment between them
5. Tag 5 people from your flist to do this meme
Pacey and Joey - "Dawson's Creek"
My favorite OTP by far. No other couple compares to these 2 in my book. It still amazes me all these years later how much I love these 2, and how people could watch this show and not be drawn to the chemistry between them. I love the scene in this photo and it ranks up there as one of my favorites...unfortunately I can't pick just one moment. There are way too many. :) But this scene is just so sweet. You have there usual sweet banter and sarcasm, but their body language makes this scene. Pacey nibbling on her finger, Joey's forget when watching them that they were just playing characters and that weren't really in love. But all of us die hard PJers know that Josh and Katie will always be in love with each other. :) Right girls? *wink*
Donna and David - "Beverly Hills 90210"
My favorite moment between Donna and David had to be the finale and their wedding. Just the fact that after everything they ended up together was a true testiment to their feelings for each other. Plus the 2 of them were just so funny. :)
Steve "Patch" and Kayla - "Days of Our Lives"
This was my very first fandom back in the 80's. It was so long ago I don't remember many specific scenes except for their wedding. I remember it was so beautiful, and thinking that I wanted my wedding to be just like that. :)
Ross and Rachel - "Friends"
I just loved the moment when Rachel had Emma. It was such a special moment in their relationship. These 2 had such great comedic funny.
Jack and Jennifer - "Days of Our Lives"
You just gotta love Jack and Jennifer. :) Some of my favorite moments were in the beginning of their relationship when Jack was trying to woo her. He was always so persistent and hilarious! lol