Jumping on the bandwagon: 15 favorite characters

Feb 01, 2011 01:49

I saw a lot of people were doing this, and it looked like fun. So here's my list. The order definitely isn't rigid, since it could probably change easily depending on my mood.

15. Cameron (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles)

She was really what brought the audience in every week (at least until they started to develop plots well in season 2). Summer Glau is just awesome, and this role was perfectly suited for her.

14. Admiral Helena Cain (Battlestar Galactica)

Brought new meaning to the phrase "crazy bitch." Even though her character is despicable, I can't help but love her (and Michelle Forbes stole every scene she was in). Admiral Cain made the Pegasus arc the best of the entire series. She is also a reminder of what a leader could have become in those circumstances. Luckily, Adama had a lot of people to keep him sane.

13. Darla (Angel/Buffy)

Julie Benz was a perfect fit for a villain role like this. So cool. Without her, season 2 of Angel really wouldn't have been great.

12. Boomer (Battlestar Galactica)

I always sympathized with Boomer, even after the dark direction she took in season 3. She was always a victim of circumstance, so I never blamed her for feeling constantly betrayed. Grace Park grew into the role more as the show went on as well.

11. Arthur Mitchell/The Trinity Killer (Dexter)

John Lithgow was seriously amazing in this role. One of the creepiest villains of any show, and also one of the most complex. What a crazy fuck. He made season 4 into the best season.

10. Dexter Morgan (Dexter)

Dexter is such a fun protagonist to watch. He's just so charming.

9. Juliet Burke (Lost)

I know a lot of people didn't like her, but she was one bad-ass mofucker. I was excited when I heard the actress was getting her own show, but sadly the awesomeness didn't carry over.

8. Irina Derevko (Alias)

Sydney's parents are just awesome in general, but Irina has to take the cake. She's so mysterious. Lena Olin was really fascinating to watch. I'm just going to pretend that the character butchering in the finale never happened.

7. President Palmer (24)

He was really one of the only characters that I loved unconditionally. Sure, Jack was bad-ass and all that, but Palmer was the moral one. He deserved a better fate...

6. Number Six (Battlestar Galactica)

I swear, I only noticed that she was in spot #6 after I placed her. Anyway, she was initially my favorite on Battlestar, and she never went far from that spot. Major props to Tricia Helfer for playing so many different versions of this character (I was going to put up pictures of a bunch of her identities, but I got lazy after two).

5. Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel)

One of my first loves on a TV show. I watched her scenes over and over on my Buffy VHS back in the day. I thought she was so kick-ass.

4. Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)

I always talk about how main characters are boring compared to supporting casts, but Mal really breaks that rule (and so do the other main characters on this list). He was so much fun to watch, and really carried the entire show.

3. Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

What is there to say about this awesome, awesome guy? I had to get a picture where he looked commanding, because that's when he's at his best.

2. President Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)

This is one hardcore president. If Palmer was the moralist, she is the realist. She kills babies and walks all over democracy in style. She does whatever it takes to keep the human race alive, and it's amazing to watch.

1. Admiral William Adama (Battlestar Galactica)

I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone. The man is awesome incarnate.

Yeah, my pattern is pretty clear...

In other news, I have been watching Fringe. It kind of goes back and forth from being exciting to being really boring. And I haaaaaate Olivia. But I love Walter and Broyles.

Also, I think I might start another video. But I won't get too excited about it, since the last two I started were never finished.
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