Jun 08, 2020 10:53

totally pointless posts are usually public, everything else is friends only. feel free to add me ♥

Hello! I thought I'd actually write something about myself here, in case someone actually stumbles upon my journal. I've been a JE fan since 2007 or something, I left the fandom for a few years but now it's 2020 and I've found myself going down that rabbit hole once again. My favorite group is Arashi (has always been) but I do enjoy following the other groups too. I've been a kpop fan too but nowadays I usually just follow what Super Junior are doing.

My other hobbies are reading, netflix and cross stitching!

If you are into any of these things, please add me! And even if you aren't into these things, you can still add me, my friends list is really dead and I want friends.

friends only

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