LOL Changes...

Nov 16, 2010 13:24

This weekend, my LOL and I were supposed to go to the zoo and coo over baby marmosets, but due to her persistent respiratory infection, we didn't. I brought her roast pumpkin risotto with asparagus and bacon frizzles on Sunday night. She looked frailer and vaguer than ever, and confessed that she was anxious about her nursing home assessment on Tuesday. Her overall frality is such that she really wanted to be admitted. And - she was.

This is good news overall. My visiting volunteer stuff will lighten up once she gets settled, since I won't feel the same obligation* to bring meals, and Having A Visitor is a big social-currency deal over there. She won't have to do laundry, or cook, or clean, and can concentrate on her health and well-being. Anticipating the financial hit she will take, she is going to Christchurch to visit some family, for a few days that (fortunately for me) coincide with Thanksgiving. She makes the move on December 18th.

The awkward thing is her cat, Goldie: she can't take Goldie with her and my own cat, Northey, is approximately twice his size and territorial. Anybody in Wellington want a well-behaved, affectionate orange cat? Digital pics are forthcoming.

* I have never been required to do this, but the frailer she got, the more she seemed to depend on them/look forwards to them.
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