Wow I've been gone for forever o.o I got sucked into bad gay manga and OutlawStar and before I realized it it's been 2 weeks and forgot about the existence of this beautiful place called EEELLL JAYYY! XD
TODAY: APPROX: 1 hour ago
--- OKKKK some back story so there's this ONE GUY that I've seen around who wears a trench coat. Why do I notice this one guy?
1) because I live in an all female dorm and the limited contact with males is setting me off balance? x_x
2) he reminds me of home :3 good old western Washington were everyone dresses like hot topic rejects! It's a testament to how ostracized I feel among all these jocks and pretty girls that I miss these retarded things >.<
He's in my Humanities 101 class and when it ended I noticed we were walking in the same direction, I've never talked to him but it's still nice and familiar to see someone recognizable. So we're walking in the same direction to the elevator and it's about to go down with no one in it and he sprints and catches it at the last second with only enough room to get his foot in the door. So of course I'm like "Nice catch :D", WHICH STARTS A CONVERSATION!
But when we get out of the elevator I hit a patch of black ice and biff it hard on my hip and hand, seriously this ice was out to get me, I almost saved myself 3 times in the 8sec it took me to fall but each time I slipped again x____x so he's like "D: ARe you alright." and I'm in the daze of pain your get after that kind of accident, holding my stinging hand going "uh huh yeah yeah I'm fine -hissss- yeah alright" and we continue walking and he's being really friendly and says "You know if it starts to swell later, you should put some ice on it" and go "hahahhahah very clever" and he's like ":3". So, apparently he knows because he's a movement major, and he's heavy into martial arts (Kung Fu) and he was called emo back home because he dyed the tips of his hair red. XD I only talked to him for less then 5 min. IT WAS A REFRESHING INTERCHANGE! :3
Now for the Hell is Other People part:
Last Tuesday: BIO LAB:
---Lab, every week of this semester, has been slow. painful. torture. I sit at a table full of the kind of girls I hate =_=. I'm serious if I was a fox I would be chewing through my own leg to get away from them. I'd move to a different table, but none of them seem any better DX. They spent this lab talking about how GOOD Confessions of a Shopaholic was and how they LOVE Full House and Danny Phantom SOOO MUCHHHHH. =_= I can't stand it, I haven't felt so close to murder in years. One of them wears too much mascara and shirts that are WAY TOO SMALL for her, the other is in my Philosophy class and I CAN SEE THE POWDERED MAKE-UP ON HER HAIR FOLLICLES DX, it's something that drives me crazy. The last girl is a sophomore biology major, but she doesn't talk or act like she has any dedication for it. She's someone that simply wants to skate by and complains about Bio 106 from last semester where she claims the Professor was terrible and that she got a C, but I was in the same class and thought he was fine and told her so and she said "Shut up, no he wasn't, he was terrible." AND SHE HAS A MUSTACHE.... =_= I feel bad being so irritated by these people but I figure as long as I don't lash out at them everything is ok. :/ HELLISOTHERPEOPLE sdjhhfsdgbdshgflwejkgfgwjkgfwljk X_____________x
Ok I think I'm better now :3