There's always those bad days. You really can't go without them because they are what makes the good days seem so much better. I have activities that I've found calm me on such days. I am fond of cutting things up, such as magazines or old bits of cloth and gluing those things to other things, such as toilet paper rolls or cardboard boxes, and painting them festive colors such as blue and green. See, it represents destroying something causing your distress and then creating something else out of it. Also, I wholeheartedly support your not drinking and making an ass out of yourself. it is a good move. let's not drink together sometime, eh?
watching movies is definately on my long list of things that I'm excited about doing, ever. provided the movie doesn't suck, but I have a feeling it won't!
Sounds good. I'll go with the feeling. For the immediate future, I think I'll watch Eternal Sunshine agian. But I need to have a lineup ready for me, in case of emergency.
Comments 5
How does watching movies sound? I think that's worked for me, in the past.
And damned if today wasn't an emergency.
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