Title: Sesquipedalophobia
Pairing: Cuddy/Cameron
Rating: G
Disclaimer: House, M.D. is not mine.
Cuddy knows it's horribly cliché. She's heard all the warnings. There's no reason to risk everything she has worked so hard to attain for something impossible and uncertain. So she resolves to ignore her feelings; she resolves to do nothing to make the relationship between her and Dr. Allison Cameron anything more than coworkers.
Yet she never counted on how forward Allison had become. She had never counted on Allison approaching her, propositioning her. She had never dreamt that Allison returned her feelings.
So when Allison does approach her, does proposition her, it startles her and she forgets what she promised herself, forgets the cliché, forgets the warnings.
There's no reason she can't do what House did, no reason she can't say no. 'No' is not a scary word, it's short and concise and easy to say; she can't mess up 'no.' But Cuddy is Cuddy, not House.
And while Cuddy knows it's horribly cliché, she thinks that if she isn't in love yet, she could be. And it's been a long time since she's been in love.