Title: Mnemophobia
Pairing: Cuddy/Cameron
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: House, M.D. is not mine.
Between them, Cuddy and Cameron had sixty years worth of memories.
They remembered births and deaths, inductions and graduations, victories and failures; they remembered marvels and disappointments, miracles and mistakes, love and hate.
Sometimes the memories were bitter and rancid, and sometimes they were warm and encompassing; sometimes they were new and shining, and sometimes they were old and cracked.
The memories--of their friends and families, coworkers and exes--filled photo albums and spilled over onto rolls of film. They rarely looked at the photographs after taking them, but they were always on the periphery, in case they ever forgot.
And when the old memories weighed down on them too heavily, they wrote new memories on each other's skin.