Title: As Useful as Boobs on a Man
Characters: Dean, Sam
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: SPN is not mine.
Note: Minor spoiler for 1.16 ("Shadow").
"No offense, but your alarm's about as useful as boobs on a man."
Dean didn't need a college education for the irony of the landlady's statement to hit him over the head with a crowbar two weeks later when he found himself staring at the nicest pair of tits he'd seen since, well, Carrie.
"Uh, Dean?"
Dean tore his eyes away from the tits and glanced up at his brother. "Yes?"
"You're staring."
"The correct term is admiring," said Dean, "and what the hell do you want me to do, Sammy?"
"You could start with throwing me that shirt."
Dean groaned. It was just like Sammy to waste such tits. Dean hoped that the next time a furious spirit decided to change one of them into a girl, it picked him. Unlike Sammy, he would waste no time in proving that landlady wrong.