Title: Electrocuted
Pairing: Jane/Buffy/Faith
Rating: NC-17
Summary: While doing reconnaissance at a lesbian bar, Jane runs into a couple of strangers from out of town.
Note: Really minor spoilers for PKJ 1x01 and 1x03; bigger spoilers for BtVS through the third season.
Jane met the couple at a bar. It was mere chance that she met them, really. She was working a job for Andre, checking out a shady joint in what was probably one of the worse sections of the city (not that the rest of the city was that much better). A neuro they had been trying to track for a week now had been spotted at the bar a couple of times. So Jane had been assigned to scope the place out. Talk to a few regulars. It was pretty routine, all in all.
Except for the tiny detail Riley had left out of his initial report. The Wild Cat wasn't a typical bar. Unless you could call the only lesbian bar in the city a typical bar.
This was so like Riley, thought Jane. She would have to have a talk with him about what classified as 'important details' for his future reports.
But for the moment, Jane had a job to do and just because it was a lesbian bar didn't mean that she couldn't stay awhile and scope out the neuro's habitat firsthand. If she gave up now, Andre would just send her back. It wasn't like he could send Connor to do the fieldwork in this particular situation, after all. At least Jane was a woman. And she did have a thing for Angelina and Jello shots, which put her quite firmly into the "ambiguously bisexual" category, which as far as Jane was concerned, was gay enough to spend the night at a lesbian bar without extreme discomfort.
Plus, The Wild Cat was pretty standard as far as bars went. The outside was pretty plain, except for the neon signs advertising brands of beer and the sign above the doorway with a picture of a sleek looking black cat. Inside, the lights were dimmed and the walls were decorated with vintage album covers, but the tables were clean and that was good enough for Jane.
Alcohol was alcohol, after all, and Jane thought she could do with a glass. Maybe if she cranked up the charm a little, she might even convince one of the other customers to buy her a drink or two while she gathered information.
Jane was halfway through her second glass of beer and only partly listening to a rather plain redhead complaining about her ex when she noticed the couple sitting in a booth along the rear wall of the bar. They were young--eighteen or nineteen, maximum--not that Jane was particularly surprised. After a certain hour, the bartenders grew more lax about checking IDs, especially when the customers in question were young and hot and likely to draw in extra business. Jane didn't approve of the behavior, but if a couple of teens wanted to get drunk, she wasn't going to waste her time and energy trying to convince them otherwise.
An almost empty pitcher of beer sat between them. The blond was shorter than the brunette and looked like a lightweight, but Jane had watched her down four glasses out of the corner of her eye since she had arrived and the girl didn't show any indication of slowing down. Jane was impressed; she had to have an incredible tolerance level to drink that heavily without any side effects. Jane couldn't name what compelled her to talk to the couple, but she interrupted the redhead in the middle of an incredibly complicated tale about her ex's new boyfriend.
"Excuse me," she said. She stood up, ignoring the devastated look on the redhead's face, and after ordering a new pitcher of beer, she headed for the booth were the couple sat.
"Hey." She set the beer down on the table between the two girls. "Mind if I join you?"
The blond didn't meet Jane's gaze, but the brunette looked up and grinned. "There's always room for hot women with free beer."
Jane smiled and slid onto the bench next to the brunette. "So, you two a couple or what?"
It turned out that the answer to Jane's question was pretty complicated and required a great deal of backstory, which Buffy seemed reluctant to tell and Faith hinted at increasingly the more drunk she became. Jane learned that Buffy and Faith were closer to being friends with benefits than a couple, but they had an intense connection that even Jane could recognize. Jane had only managed to glean the basics while the three of them polished off the pitcher of beer.
Buffy was from California. Faith was from a little bit of everywhere, although she had met Buffy in California. From what Jane gathered, they worked together. What they did, exactly, even Faith seemed reluctant to talk about, although Jane knew that she enjoyed it. More than Buffy did, at any rate.
When she asked what had brought them to her city, Buffy had answered "business" at the exact same time Faith had said "pleasure."
"Well?" asked Jane, finishing off her glass of beer and pouring another. "Which is it?" She took another gulp and licked a rivulet of beer off her chin where it had escaped her mouth. She elbowed Faith and winked slowly. "Unless it's both."
"We're not prostitutes," said Buffy quickly.
"I have other ways to earn quick cash," said Faith, returning the wink with a lavish grin. "I fuck for fun." She paused while she downed half a glass of beer. "'Sides, B's a prude."
Buffy gave Faith a pointed 'say that again and I'll kick your ass' look, but Faith paid it no heed. "She had a boyfriend, but the first time they had sex, he flipped. Went completely psycho and - " Faith's story was cut short when Buffy reached across the table, knocking her glass of beer over in the process. She grabbed the collar of Faith's tight shirt and kissed her on the mouth forcefully.
Jane raised her eyes. On second thought, maybe she would torment Riley for weeks with stories that would make him turn green with envy.
Buffy broke the kiss first. The beer had reached the edge of the table and started dripping onto her pants.
"Shit," she said, trying to wipe the beer away with her bare hands.
"Here," said Jane, grabbing a handful of paper towels. She got up a little drunkenly and switch sides on the booth. She wiped the edge of the table, forming a dam with the paper towels. Then she grabbed a handful of fresh towels and used them to blot the beer on Buffy's thighs. Her hand slipped a little and her fingers brushed against the inside of Buffy's thigh. The blond squirmed beneath her touch and Jane pulled back suddenly.
"Sorry," she mumbled.
Across the table, Faith was grinning at her.
Jane was surprised when Faith invited her back to their motel room and she was surprised that Buffy didn't object to the proposal, but what surprised her to the most was that she went along with it. Sure, she had a thing for Angelina and Jello shots, but that was a far cry from going to a motel with a couple of (admittedly hot) strangers from out-of-town. Jane blamed the beer. It was an easy scapegoat, after all, because it couldn't argue back.
The motel was surprisingly clean, although the decoration was a little tacky. To be honest, Faith didn't give Jane a lot of time to ponder it. She dumped her jacket on the chair by the door and kicked off her boots. She was barefoot and wearing a back tank and tight leather pants. Buffy headed straight for the bathroom.
Jane sat down on the edge of the bed after dumping her own shoes next to Faith's boots. Buffy emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later. She had lost her ponytail and sweater and now the ends of her blond hair brushed her throat. Jane reached out to brush a lock of Buffy's hair back and tuck it behind her ear.
Buffy pushed Jane back onto the bed and straddled her. Jane caught a glimpse of Faith's upside down face and saw her grinning again before she joined them on the bed. As Buffy unzipped Jane's jeans, Jane pulled her shirt off. Faith unhooked Jane's bra and tossed it aside.
"Nice underwear," she said, brushing her lips against Jane's neck. "You either have a great job or your boss is in love with you."
Jane laughed at the idea of Andre being in love with her.
"Fine," she said, "Show me what you're wearing."
Faith peeled her leather pants down until they hung around her knees. Dark hair covered her crotch and Jane felt her face grow warm, although it might have been from Buffy pulling her pants and underwear down to her ankles and pulling apart her legs.
"Au naturel, babe," said Faith winking.
Jane closed her eyes and groaned as Buffy started lightly stroking the sensitive skin between her legs. Jane had been with plenty of guys before; as it turned out, having sex with women wasn't much different. She could feel her body reacting the same, warming to the strangers' touches. The only difference was that, instead of a cock being attached to the tongue that was being plunged into her body, a vagina was attached. Big deal.
Faith moved around on the bed until she was perpendicular to Jane's body. She leaned forward and ran her tongue in a lazy loop around Jane's left nipple before working her way across Jane's chest and around her right breast. She pulled her head away and breathed softly on the wet trails, smiling as Jane shivered.
Buffy snaked a hand across one of Jane's propped up thighs and rubbed it while she moved her tongue in such a way that Jane arched her back involuntarily. Faith kissed Jane's breast again, before taking the nipple in her mouth and sucking on it while she massaged Jane's other breast with one of her hands.
Jane arched her body again, moaning louder. Her skin was electrocuted by the pleasure racing through her nerves, quicker than electricity. (And Jane should know, she had been electrocuted before.)
As Jane came, she sank her hand into Faith's hair and her eyes fluttered beneath her half-closed lids.
Buffy started kissing the inside of her thigh, while Faith changed positions so that she was on all fours, straddling Jane's body. Her legs were spread above Jane's face and she plunged her fingers into Jane's opening, which was covered in saliva and come. She curled her fingers slightly, shoving them into the base of her hand and reached as far as possible into Jane.
Jane lifted her head slightly, kissing the area between Faith's legs. She had never eaten out a woman before, not even when she had been thirteen and her best friend had suggested that they practice kissing on each other so that they would know what they were doing when they kissed boys. (That had been the first time that Jane had realized she wasn't entirely straight.)
Even when she dreamed about Angelina and Jello shots, Jane had always skimmed over the mechanics of the situation and focused on the details, like the color of Angelina skin and the feel of her hair against her breasts and how soft her lips were and the smell of alcohol on her breath.
So Jane just closed her eyes and gave into her intuition and let the pleasure Buffy and Faith were giving her channel through her body and be rerouted back into Faith, as if Jane was an electrical circuit.
When her cell phone rang fifteen minutes later, Jane was too busy coming again to answer it. Not that she would have been in any state to talk to Andre at the moment. She could barely catch her breath. Speaking would have been impossible.
So Jane let her phone ring as she balled her hands in the sheets of the tacky motel bed and tensed her body as she climaxed for the second time that evening.
"How was reconnaissance?" asked Connor when Jane entered work the next day.
She was no longer blurry-eyed, but she had a headache that she swore would kill her if only she could die. She spotted Riley sitting at the computer across the room and smiled inwardly.
"You mean at the lesbian bar?" asked Jane casually.
Riley swirled around, fully paying attention now.
"It was a bust."
"Damn," said Connor.
"But I did meet a couple hot girls and we had a threesome."
Riley choked and Connor raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed.
"I'm kidding," said Jane, rolling her eyes. "You guys need to grow up. Next time we have to stake out a gay bar, I'm demanding that Andre assigns you to reconnaissance."
Jane turned and headed off to raid Seth's stash of painkillers. Her head felt like she had been struck by lightning and had her brains scrambled.
But it was worth it, thought Jane, smiling. Buffy and Faith had given her plenty of vivid fodder for her fantasies about Angelina and Jello shots.