1. What happens here, stays here. We can't keep the squirrels out, but if somebody tells you something on the mat, don't repeat it off the mat unless you know they're okay with it.
2. Weapons or powers may be used if everyone agrees in advance. (See specific OOC rules for these matches.)
3. No shoes.
4. If someone says "stop" or goes limp, the fight is over.
5. Two people to a fight.
6. Fights go on as long as they have to.
7. No tourists. If you need to take a week to see what this is like, cool, but no coming back just to watch. Here, everybody fights.
8. No fighting if you're sick/injured. You wanna screw up your body, you do it on your own time.
9. If you want to decline an assigned match, calmly discuss it with your assigned partner and the organizers. Don't abuse this -- everyone here fights, and you leave your ego at the door. If you continually decline fights, you will not be assigned new matches.
10. The organizers reserve the right to remove you from the club at any time for violation of these rules. You will get scolded. You will have to deal with a Deeply Unhappy Atreides, and for your own safety, we do not recommend this.
1. You might be the best in your canon, but odds are you aren't the best here. Dodging every single blow isn't realistic, and it isn't fair to your sparring partner.
2. If you are using weapons or powers, remember the gym is not infinitely large. Keep what you are doing reasonable and safe for a basketball-court-sized setting with a few dozen bystanders in it. We also ask you label the thread as to what powers or weapons are being used, and tell an organizer OOCly (in the designated OOC thread, or via email or AIM) so we can keep an eye on what's going on, in case the healers/clinic are needed.
3. Godmodding = Sad Pandas. 1st time someone complains, we'll warn you. 2nd time, a stronger warning, and you're out of FFC for two weeks. 3rd time, you're out for good, and we let the admins know why. Again, it isn't fair, and you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you.
4. We really do use the RNG for assigned matches, but sometimes it likes some people better than others. If you feel like it's been FOREVER since you had a match, or if your character especially wants a fight one week, poke one of us and we'll see what we can do to get you in there!
Level One:
Claire Bennet
Daisy Day
Dinah Lance
Fiona Post
Griff O'Connor
Gwynn Hood
Harper Finkle
Ino Yamanaka
Jack Burton
Jack O'Neill
Jennifer Walters
Jon O'Neill
Karla di Glaci
Katina Choovanski
Savannah Levine
Tahiri Veila
Turtle Wexler
Level Two:
Anakin Skywalker
Antillar Maximus (Max)
Arthur Pendragon
Ben Skywalker
Ghanima Atreides
Jaina Solo
James Kirk
Leto Atreides
Minsc & Boo
Rose Hathaway
Steve Rogers
Tyler Durden
Zack Fair
[NFB due to just being a list of rules.]