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Oct 07, 2004 08:51

Which Rock Chick Are You?

Rainbow Brite

What 80's cartoon r u?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the sleek and slick, Thin White Duke! The
definition of cool, you're "I don't
care" attitude makes hearts flutter.

What David Bowie personality are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the feather boa! Wrapped around Ziggy's
neck, you give him the perfect touch of a
trashy glam-rocker!

What David Bowie clothing item are you?
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You are ALADDIN SANE... poor, poor, torn, forlorn,
Aladdin... you dont know what to say or to do.
Youre beautifully obscure and severely
misunderstood. You cant make up your mind and
the cocaine definitely isnt helping. Your split
in two by a lightening bolt, indecisive and are
longing to allow ends to meet. You love old
bouquets of dead roses, sake and strange
divine, passionate bright young things,
saddening glissando strings, battle cries and
champagne just in time for sunrise. And for
you... millions weep a fountain, for, who will
love A Lad Insane?

Which David Bowie Persona are YOU? (with great pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Baby David
You Are: David of the early years, you try and yet
don't get very far, just get punched ... in the
eye... You tried very hard and you didn't get
very far but you wrote a smashing song ... yeah
the laughing gnome would have been famous if it
were realised in todays time. Shame though...

Which David Bowie Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Okay that's enough
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